An industry professional letting their personality drip into their brand


Blood, Sweat & Lipstick


The client wanted to make her launch at an international trade show, leaving a lasting impression with potential clients.


Background & Exploration

Holly, the owner of Blood, Sweat and Lipstick, is a professional special effects artist in the film and entertainment industry. She approached me looking for a professional look and feel to her company to set herself apart from competition when bidding on new clients.


Vintage horror movie posters and special effects served as inspiration for brand style.


The competition is fierce in the FX industry, with most artists working under their own name. Blood, Sweat and Lipstick needed an identity that people would remember and set apart from independent artists.


The result is a beautiful set of symbols and wordmarks that can be used interchangeably while staying true to the look and feel of the brand. Inspiration was taken from the vibrant, iconic posters of vintage horror movies as well as cosmetics and occult symbols.


Final results

The client successfully launched Blood, Sweat and Lipstick with a polished brand that was professional yet completely the personality of the individual.

Brian worked with me to get exactly what I was looking for in a logo that fit the look and feel of my company. He exceeded my expectations and I would definitely work with him again. ” —Holly L.
